Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Brand New

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Nik Nik

Friday, November 11, 2011
Happy Veterans Day-2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Happy Birthday to My Marine!!
This top page is part of a scrapbook page I did for Roger years and years and years ago when I 1st started scrapbooking.. I would never ever share the page-haha.. It is so bad.. I made Roger a whole book about his Marine Corp days with his friends.. Oh how I need to go back and redo the whole book now.. If only we all used digital cameras back then and I could get those pictures back I used.. shew!!!!
I am so proud of who Roger was and is still .. Him and my daughter did some modeling for me-kinda played dress up in his military uniforms.. I will post some of them tomorrow.. I can feel some pages coming on soon-hehe..
Happy Birthday Honey -and to all Marines..
Happy Veterans Day tomorrow to all men serving and all vets who have served.. I am so thank-ful to live in a FREE country. I am very proud to be a AMERICAN!!!!
Friends Forever
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Having a Ball
Friday, November 4, 2011
2011 RCS Volleyball Season-8th Grade

Another season has come and gone.. It will be sad next year - we are loosing 3 seniors after this year.. It has been a great year though.. Looking forward to 2012 now..
New Addition

Hope everyone has a GREAT Weekend!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
13th Birthday
I am on a roll-i think this makes 2 or 3 pages the last 3 days-haha..
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sing It
Stars all Around
So I had done this page before for my daughter - for her volleyball.. I had remembered I had bought some of the paper from my High School before a local scrapbooking store went out of business and was dying to try it out with MY COLORS!! I think it turned out great.. I used Wendy Baisden's - Easy Star template-by Hot Off the Press for all my stars! Then just layered lots of paper.. I had another template that I could use for the placement of my gems. I did all my journaling on the computer. I inked everything up and taped it all down.
Friday, October 28, 2011
8th Grade
SO all my time has been with her and on volleyball for the last 2 months.. Volleyball games and practice non-stop.. Starting to get some time in to scrapbook some of the billion pictures I have taken over the last few months.. This is just a few.
This page is so simple I am not even gonna explain anything .. I had that paper that had Regional Christian on the side of it and it just worked out for me perfect there.. Now that I sit and stare at this I am thinking I am gonna put her name up the side of the picture of U can never have too much-haha..
I got a few more new pages I will post in the next few days.. I have been scrapbooking a lot-just for others and not for myself-making some books for some people. Just isnt as fun as making them for myself-hehe..
Hope everyone has a happy TGIF!!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
deep fried Oreos

My Daughter, Kandis, has been begging for me to make deep fried Oreos. I hadn't made them at home before but helped make them at a church thing we had for the youth once. There is nothing too it.. So I got all the stuff while out one day and cleaned out the ole deep fryer(which I had not used in I bet over 8 or more years). All U need is clean Oil , deep fryer, oreos, and pancake mix, and powered sugar.
Kandis was all smiles ready . Lauren was just a little scared at what we were creating-hehe
All U do is completely dip the oreos in the pancake mix-and then drop them in the HOT oil.. They do not take too long to make.. BUT u wanna make sure they get dark on one side-then u flip it over...
I dipped the oreos in the batter, and Lauren took are of the flipping and getting the Oreos out!! lol
TA DA!! yummy deep fried Oreos.. They are soo yummy HOT.. BUT dont burn your tongue!! hehe
The oreo gets all soft & it is soo yum yum!! BUT very rich-I can not handle more then 2 at one time. BUT Kandis seem to be fine with 5. shew!!

We even tried our hand at a funnel cake with the left over pancake mix. I put all the batter in zip lock back and cut a hole in it. Then I poured it really fast.. IT was really really good.. I think me and Lauren liked the funnel cake even better then the deep fried oreos-haha.. I am gonna look for me a YUMMY recipe for the batter for funnel cakes!! lol
It was a yummy night-but I think we all almost went into a sugar coma afterwards-hehe
Friday, July 22, 2011
You & Me
Thursday, July 21, 2011
you spin me...
I used (well I traced) my Technique Tuesday stuff for the cicles.. Cuz i am so not that good.. Then cut my letters out on my cricut. My font is Lyrical Letters. Then just added lots of embellishments everywhere after that. Super easy if u have the Technique Tuesday things, and if U don't-U SHOULD!!! lol I am addicted to all their stuff!!! haha.
Have a AWESOME DAY everyone..
I hope to do another page and celebrate my Mom's birthday with her today!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Cedar Point-Memories
This page brings back a lot of memories to me - this brings me back to a vacation I had with my parents, brother, and Kandis back in the Summer of 2008 to Lake Erie & Cedar Point. This was one of the crazy pictures U buy after the ride is over.. In the 1st 2 seats are my Brother and my Mom-then me and Kandis are behind them.. This is the Maverick at Cedar Point. IT was late and dark when we rode this and we could not see a thing-which made it even funnier. We had no idea what was gonna happen next -it looped around curves, turned us upside down, and then slowed us to a complete stop at 1 point and took back off from 0 to who knows like 50 or 60 mph or more in so many seconds. It was a blast. It was my Mom's favorite ride of the entire day. I am glad it was cuz we had to wait a long time in line-haha..
I am in LOVE with this paper pack I used for this whole layout.. It is called URBAN RHAPSODY by K&Company. I bought it at Hobby Lobby.. It is double sided and it is just beautiful. I used my Cricut to cut out my letters and my word-MEMORIES(it was on Graphically speaking). Everything else was just layering my paper-after I inked it of course. I found a couple embellishments I liked that I had to add. I thought it needed some jewels of course. Never too many embellishments or too many layers.. I liked the way it turned out.. Hope U do too!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Garden Time

My daddy has a huge garden full of any kind of vegetable u can think of.. Well it is very very very hot out and so I guess If I am gonna help I would rather be inside stringing and popping beans then anything else.. lol BUT after 2 WHOLE days of stringing and popping -my fingers and wrist are a little sore. I told my mom that me and my daughter were hanging out in the swimming pool on our floats tomorrow. haha
My mom has been canning beats. peeeeeee-U!!! I can't say that I dont like them cuz I have never tasted them but I can not stand the smell of them being canned. Oh my gracious.. As I get a huge pan of beans popped -I will take them to my Mom and Dad so they can put them in the jars to can-and I have to hold my nose just to go inside.. I told my daddy to HELP-i couldnt hold my nose and carry the beans in-so he was making fun of me and holding my nose for me while I was carrying the beans into the kitchen-haha.. My Mom said, she loves this time of the year when me and my daughter come in and hold our nose-haha.. So far my Mom has canned 84 quarts of green beans this year.. This is just the beginning. She has done lots of beets too.. She will still can potatoes-tomatoes-corn-vegetable soup-a pickled zuchunni/squash/onion mixture which I have come to LOVE!! Then pickles.. I am sure I have left some stuff off.. I have made like 6 loafs of zuchunni bread already to eat and i gave away a lot of it.. cuz that stuff is pure FAT-lol Besides the zuchinni that is in it-it is tons of sugar and vegetable oil-haha..
so when i get some more pictures of the finished products I will post some pictures!! Missed scrapbooking the last few nights!!! hope U all got to do a page or 2..
Monday, July 11, 2011
My heart revolves around you

Enjoying scrapbooking again!! hope U are!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Great Day
Had a nice lazy day at the pool today-U can see it in the background of the picture of Kandis. It's my Mom and Dad's(which I say it's mine becuz' they got it when I lived at home)haha.. I had a friend over and me and my friend and Kandis all laid on floats all afternoon.
Then me and Kandis went to DQ for some chocolate blizzards later-and picked up a pizza for dinner.
Then my little chunkiers of a nephew came over and spent the evening with me and Kandis while his Daddy and Mommy went fishing for a few hours. As I am writing at 12:30am he is sleeping in my bed-awwwwww!!!! lol
It's been a lazy week here.. I havent did much of anything.. BUT happy to have started scrapping again. Before I did my 5 new pages this week I had not scrapbooked since last October. So it had been awhile. I guess sometimes scrapbookers get in a slump and I have been in one for awhile. BUT I seem to slowly crawling back out ..

Hope everyone has been enjoying their week-end like me!!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
7th Grade

Have fun scrapping!!!
My Team-My Friends
Super super simple and fast but pretty page.. I had this new pack of paper I had bought at Big Lots that I used for all the red squares.. I had gotten my volleyball brads awhile back at Hobby Lobby and have been wanting to use them for awhile.. I just used simple stickers for my title. I cut up white paper for my journaling. I had a piece of the star felt left over from something else I had scrapbooked once. So it fit perfect. I love my little volleyball ticket. I made copies of them before i used it so I can use it again-lol..
So enjoy and GOOD NIGHT!!!!!
Happy TGIF!!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Blog Candy Give-away!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Jr High

This page was pretty easy as U can see. I made my green paper that I laid on my solid black paper just by copying another sheet of design piece of paper I have. I have a cute pack of school paper I used here. I just dont know who it was buy. I had split the pack with someone - lol. I did all my journaling on strips. My yellow arrow on the top is a brad. That is about it for this one..
NOW what do scrapbook next??? hummmmm

I started off with black paper-and I made the edge of the blue paper scalloped like with another piece of paper I had by just tracing it.. then I used my hole punch to make holes in it myself. The blue paper I used for the back ground - the grey paper I used behind the picture- and the lite blue piece of paper on top with the flower and ribbon-and the cream like paper at the top with my journaling are all Tim Holtz paper. I havent had that paper too long and I am in love with it. I love to ink paper as much as possible.. I always use my Tim Holtz Distress Inks there too. The black piece up the side is out of a bag of strips of design strips I bought at Michaels. I got my butterfly at a CKC in Louisville that I went to a year and half ago.. I have those in so many colors-lol. Always gotta throw some jewels on there-My stash is those I am using like on this page I got at CKC is dwindling down fast-hehe. I cut my letters out on my cricut-I used the Mickey Mouse Font. I think that has to be my favorite font I own. Seemed like a simple page when I started but sure took me a long time.. LOL
2 pages in 2 days.. That is a record for me now-well for awhile.. Happy July 4th Everyone!!! Hope U had a wonderful day!!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
I Love You
I FINALLY did a new page.. It had been a really really really long time.. I found a page Something like this on a blog or something years ago -so I scraplifted this a little bit. Changed it up some to be my own.
This is my daughter, Kandis, and my sweet nephew, Jaydyn. This picture was taken on Mother's Day at my Mom and Dad's.
I used a pack of DMCV paper called AT HOME for this whole page, except the little red heart. It was just a piece of scrap I had from another pack. I had the birdie template but i thing it was a cuttlebug thing my friend has and I just made myself a copy of it. The big circle i have on the page is my Technique Tuesday stuff I have, except I cant bear to actually use that stuff so I always just trace it and then I can use it over and over.. My little brown pattern piece of paper was another piece of patterned piece of paper I also copied. I traced my hearts from some chipboards pieces I had n a drawer. I had that cool, OLD lace, from a flea market awhile back.. I love that stuff.. I need to go to some more flea markets. I always seem to get the coolest stuff there. Then of course I can never do a page without jewels. It just doesnt seem complete without them. haha My big cream letters were from a pack of letters I had gotten a long time ago at Big Lots. I love to journal around the outside of stuff.
SO I hope I inspired someone that maybe hasnt scrapbooked lately like me.. It's a very good way to keep your mind busy!! Hope to do more tmrw-after pooling it all day of course.. Happy Independence Day to everyone in the US!!
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