My daddy has a huge garden full of any kind of vegetable u can think of.. Well it is very very very hot out and so I guess If I am gonna help I would rather be inside stringing and popping beans then anything else.. lol BUT after 2 WHOLE days of stringing and popping -my fingers and wrist are a little sore. I told my mom that me and my daughter were hanging out in the swimming pool on our floats tomorrow. haha
My mom has been canning beats. peeeeeee-U!!! I can't say that I dont like them cuz I have never tasted them but I can not stand the smell of them being canned. Oh my gracious.. As I get a huge pan of beans popped -I will take them to my Mom and Dad so they can put them in the jars to can-and I have to hold my nose just to go inside.. I told my daddy to HELP-i couldnt hold my nose and carry the beans in-so he was making fun of me and holding my nose for me while I was carrying the beans into the kitchen-haha.. My Mom said, she loves this time of the year when me and my daughter come in and hold our nose-haha.. So far my Mom has canned 84 quarts of green beans this year.. This is just the beginning. She has done lots of beets too.. She will still can potatoes-tomatoes-corn-vegetable soup-a pickled zuchunni/squash/onion mixture which I have come to LOVE!! Then pickles.. I am sure I have left some stuff off.. I have made like 6 loafs of zuchunni bread already to eat and i gave away a lot of it.. cuz that stuff is pure FAT-lol Besides the zuchinni that is in it-it is tons of sugar and vegetable oil-haha..
so when i get some more pictures of the finished products I will post some pictures!! Missed scrapbooking the last few nights!!! hope U all got to do a page or 2..
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