I took this yesterday of Kandis at my Dad's barn-Kandis loves to pose for a picture..

This is my Family-Roger-Me-Kandis-and my step son Clayton... This was taken in last August 2009 by my sister in law

Yesterday my sweet daughter could not wait for me to get up. She had stayed up late the night before and planned the sweetest stuff for me for Mother's Day..My husband was gone to work-so it was just me and her all morning/afternoon.. She sung me a song by the Isaacs-it may be called 1/2 a day away from U?? Not sure-but she sounded so beautiful singing it to me-she put her whole heart into it..Then she had secretly painted me a rock for my flower garden. It said Mom with the O as a heart.. Then since she had not bought me any gifts she went in her room and picked me out stuff of hers and wrapped me up her stuff-I really wanted to cry but was trying not too.. A tiny bottle of lotion-a sweet card that says U are a blessing that I had given to her some time ago-a hersey bar out of her easter basket-and 4 coupons-a free body massage-a free clean car-a free pedicure-and a free clean the house.. Plus she gave me a huge foot rub and warmed up my neck thing for me. I got so much special treatment.. Plus she made me such a sweet mother's day card.. I am soooo blessed... I have a step son too - his name is Clayton and he gets to spend Mother's Day with his Mom of course but I love him too!!!

So Yesterday, May 9 2010, also was me and Roger's 13th wedding anniversary.. I am very blessed to have been married for such a long time.. I love Roger so much.. This was a difficult year for me and my husband was always right beside me to help support me.. We started our 12th anniversary last year on May 9th with a horrible flash flood-and my husband and my Dad are such take control guys. If it had not been for those 2 we would of totally lost our house . But this year we start out dry and even though the signs of the flood are still evident in our backyard-it proves as long as U stand together-U can get thru anything!!!! I can not wait to see what the next 13 years has in store for us!!!
Love the blog background ! The photo of Kandis in the barn is great !!!!
thanks-i needed a new background bad for my blog-i finally fixed my name in the center of the header too!! lol...
we snapped a few pictures of Kandis and me real fast yesterday before we took chickie pictures-lol!!
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