This is what is written about me on my feature on my Bio and my questions I answered. there are the 5 pages I picked to let be featured.. Just a few of my favorites.. SO hard to choose.. lol
Hello my name is Kelly. I was born a city girl in Michigan but can officially say I am a country girl now since I have lived here in WV now for the last 28 1/2 years. I still believe that those 7 1/2 years in the city have made me who I am now. I have been married for almost 13 years-met my husband on a blind date set up by my little brother. We have a 12 year old daughter named Kandis-incase U have NOT seen my scrapbook pages. I have to admit she is truly my life. I stay very very busy with her. She is in 6th grade and plays volleyball and cheerleads for her Christian School she goes too. I live for the summer. I love the hot sun, flip flops, french manicure on my toes, shorts, tans, amusement parks, NO school, sleeping in late, and laying out by our pool all day long. I have a major sweet tooth-lol. I would rather have sweets and chocolate then a meal. I could skip dinner and go straight to dessert any day. The next thing I love is to sleep-haha. I don't get very much during school but when school is out me and my daughter make up for it. We will stay up late and sleep in late. I am very close to my family-I actually live next door to my parents and love it. I am very thankful for such great parents. I think I have been scrapbooking faithfully for 7 years, no more than 8. Me and my cousin, Steffany, from Michigan had decided we were gonna start scrapping so we went and bought the essentials (we thought) to get started when she visited once. So we bought our stuff and then we didn’t even scrapbook until a year later. I don’t even remember why? Boys have my scrapbook pages changed over the last 7 years too, wowie!! I look back at the old ones now and laugh my head off but I am not changing them because that shows how much I have improved-hehe. I went from having my stuff in a bag, to a container, to now having almost a whole room of my own. I think I enjoy buying the scrapbooking stuff as much I as enjoy scrapbooking. That in itself is a major addiction!! hehe I scrapbook in spurts, I will go awhile and scrapbook everyday for weeks. Then I will go a couple weeks and sometimes a month and not touch anything in my scrapbook room. I Love to scrapbook with someone way better then by myself, I think that is always a big encourager too. I have some major addictions-jewels, stickles, flowers & pedaloos. I really need to use what I have bought now though before I buy anymore. I used to buy loose paper all the time, but I have only bought the big paper packs for the last couple of years-sooo much cheaper and I seem to use them way more. I love to layer paper, Ink anything, and tear paper. Just a few things I do on every page almost. I used to not journal on my pages but only would make sure the date was on the page. I try to make sure I journal on almost every page now-I think this is what is gonna be important on the scrapbook pages after they are passed down from generation to generation. I think we need to make sure U list who is on the pictures, because 3 generations down the way, they are gonna lose track of who people are and then the scrapbook pages are NOT gonna mean anything to anybody like they do to us or our family now. That is the reason I scrapbook too. I scrapbook to preserve the memories of my family. I want to pass down pictures, places, events and people from my family, to my daughter, to my daughter’s kids and on. What a great thing these books will be to show our history. They don’t seem like so much now but 100 years or more down the road they will... So remember-JOURNAL!!!Blog: long have you been scrapbooking: I think for 7 or 8 years. I believe I started scrapbooking when my daughter was in kindergarten. Seems like that is when I remember starting to make books and pages for teachers-heheFavorite products: I love all things Tim Holtz-Ink especially. I love love Glimmer Mist and seem to have to put at least a dot of it on every page I do lately. I love my xyron sticker maker-I have a tiny one and the biggest one they make-I use the small one every time I scrapbook. It makes it so easy when I use my cricket to just run the letters thru it and then just stick them down. My edge distresser-love to make everything look like that-hehe.Favorite technique: Layering lots n lots of paper on one 12X12 page-the more paper the better. Then of course U have to ink it all.Why do you scrapbook: I scrapbook so we have the memories from that day . So we can look back and see and know by the journaling what we were doing and when and where and the date. I scrapbook for my daughter-so one day she can have all of these books for herself-like a journal of her life-a book for each school year-and every Christmas and birthday.. SO she can look back and see and remember all things good. Then I scrapbook the old pictures of her family and grandparents so she can know her family and her history. SO she can also pass these down to her kids and they pass them down-so our history will NOT be forgotten.Favorite color scheme: I love all paper-not really picky-if there is pretty paper-I can probably find a picture to go with it-even green and blue. I do use a lot of yellow and pink and purple…but I love it all...What size do you usually scrap: I used to only scrapbook 2 page 12X12 layouts.. I take a lot of pictures so I like to use a lot of pictures on a page, but since I have been scrapbooking a lot with my friend Wendy over the last year-she has got me doing 1 page layouts.. I like these too-I do miss using so many pictures though. I have never scrapbooked anything other than 12X12 thoughWhat do you love most about scrapping: Besides shopping for the stuff to scrapbook with and my new love for CKC's-lol I love when U get a page all done and u just look at it.. I love the idea that someday long time from now-I may have a grandchild or great grandchild looking at these too.What do you dislike most about scrapping: I hate when I want to scrapbook and just sit there and can’t get motivated-when I want to scrapbook with someone and I have no one-hehe.. Besides that-nothing to Hate-I love it all-lolHere are a few of Kelly's Favorite Pages:

Congrats, congrats, what an honor! Have missed seeing your stuff around!
Well Done Kelly and congratulations on being featured. :D
Have to agree that it must be funny writing about yourself and then seeing it in print. lol
Well Done!
thanks girls!!!
Been meaning to stop by and say CONGRATS!
Proud of you and great job on the feature :)
Of coarse I love your pages ! Lets just do some more ! Hehe
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