Here is Kandis in 2000. She was only 2 and half years old.. Seems so unreal that this was 10 years ago cuz i can remember this day as clear as ever.. This is her dress she wore for a wedding as the flower girl for my husband's cousin's wedding. The 1st of many for her-lol. I took her to Olan Mills to get these pictures and it was so hot and humid out that by the time we got there her hair had all kinked up. So her hair was NOT in pony tails -hehe.. She did get Kid of the Week out of the 3rd picture too-aawwww!! lol.. I am not totaly done with this page-I want to hand stitch a stitch around the edges of the white cardstock.. I just have not got to it yet.. i will though-soon.
This is my beautiful Mother in law with all her Girl Grandbabies. My sister in law-Kim www.epportraits.com ... I still have to journal on this.. My least favorite thing to do.. BUT I will not be finished with it until I do that.. Sometimes I just have to think about it.. I love to have the journaling-I think that is the most important I just seem to be the worst with the words.. I havent totally decided where to add it either.. I think i will put it either around the white of the edges or around the curves of the yellow clock?? I am in love with my new butterflys I got at CKC in Louisville. I bought tons of them in all colors.. SO U will see tons of them I am sure...
I have actually had this page done for probably 3 or 4 weeks and it has been sitting on my scrap table.. I had everything but a title on it and a picture.. SO once I got the picture still had not decided on what for the title.. BUT after a trip to Michaels the other day-I came home with this beautiful ALL OF US. It worked perfect and when I seen it I knew where it was going.. It was n the clearance bin too.. I got several of these title gem stone things. The picture really does not do it justice.. It is made of all jewels and the US is in baby blue.. I have decided to let my mother in law-Karis- do my journaling around the edges of the lite blue on all 4 sides.. I think it will be awesome to have her handwriting on this page . I think I am gonna have to start doing this morning often so I can get other people's handwriting down on pages forever!!!!

awwwww and how cute they all are Kelly.
IF you have any spare jewels or butterflies post em my way LOL!
We did a whole lot of jewels at a store called Michael's here the other day all on the clearance shelf for dirt cheap.. We went nuts.. I have a major addiction to jewels bad.. Then we got tons and tons more at CKC for a $1 a sheet-huge sheets.. BUT I still need more-haha.. I got tons of those butterflys too in every color they had-something new at CKC this year to us so we went a little nuts-lol
Do u get jewels there in Australia??
Love the new blog background and header ! Cute !!!
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