Just wanted to post a picture of the great stuff I won the other day. I won some Kiki Art paper-chipboard glitter hearts-decorative heart funtape-and buttons. It is all from Kiki's Amor line. I won this off of Sarah's blog-named Red Oak Lines http://www.redoaklines.com/ . The only thing I had to do to win was become a follower of her blog-add a comment to her blog that day about the contest-then advertise the contest on my blog.. So I put up a sidebar on my blog showing a picture of giveaway. Then I was picked as the winner. I got my prize just a few days later. It is beautiful paper-all flocked or glittered paper-2 sheets of each. I am so happy. So thankful for the stuff Sarah GAVE to me. So if U havent hopped around on blogs like this-give it a try-U never know-U may win U some blog candy.Just like I did.Thanks again Sarah & Kiki Art. 

Congrats Kelly, can't wait to see what you make with it.
Oh, how fun! I got to play with some KiKi ARt stuff too, and I loved the glittery chipboard. I hope you have fun creating with it. :)
I cant wait-thanks girlz!!
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